5 o’clock, it’s time to me to get up but it’s bitter
and fucking cold to take a bath at that time, so I just take a wudhu and pray
subuh. While waiting for 05.30 am, I spend my time reading a book about 15
minutes (maybe) hahah actually just shits and looking into some equipment for going to the school. If I
have class at 7 o’clock, I’ll
take a bath at 5.45. After taking a
bath, I get dressed and have breakfast.
I usually breakfast with watching television, and I watch sport program
or spongebobs >.< on the television.
At 6.30 I leave for school, I generally take motorcycle to go
to school, I arrived at school at 6:35. School starts at 7, and finish at
13.45. After my class is over, I don’t go home directly but I discuss with my
friends talking about our assignments and usually I arrive at home
approximately 03.00 pm. When I get home I like to take a rest on the bed for a
while, then I take a wudhu and pray ashar. After that, I’ll take a bath.
At 6.00 pm, I praying maghrib, then I have dinner while
waiting for isya’ time. Praying isya’, I study and do my
homeworks and unforgettable I make coffee in order that I’m awake. Yeah, books, pens, and a handphone are my
best friends which always accompany me every night. If I was tired so I slept.
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